
My daybreaks with cooing of my baby. Though the whole night remains a struggle to keep him inside the blanket and he continuously throwing it away. Apart from this waking up in between to feed ( my 5 month old baby) I hardly get any sleep.
It's 4:45 in the morning, I suddenly woke up to realise he has thrown his blanket off, is happily awake and kicking in the air.                    
By 5:30 my husband woke up and then he takes charge while I head off to a good sleep without interruption for two hours sometimes three.. what a blessing.             (sometimes I wake up with nightmares as both of them are without supervision lol)

They spend good time playing together, watching birds from balcony ( due covid we stay indoors). I'm sure its a great bonding experience for my husband too. I woke up today at 8:30 after a nice rest. We switch between making breakfast so some days he makes and some days I do it. After which he heads to his work as he's working from home.

By 11:00 I start giving massage to daksh then we played doing animal sounds and peek-a-boo followed by bath. He usually gets very fussy after bath and just wants to have feed and sleep. Another task is to put him to bed after he's dozed off in my lap. As many times I put him he wakes up and starts smiling. Between all this I cooked lunch with one leg in the kitchen and the other in the bedroom. Finally we sat to eat and its 03:00 in the afternoon. Just about to finish lunch and we heard him crying and so I head over to the baby while my hubby did dishes and then went back to work.

While Daksh was off to sleep it dawned on me that it's a good time to write a blog about myself which I wanted to do since so long. 

Once you're working then if you have to sit at home (on maternity leave) it becomes difficult. Even more so now that you avoid going out unnecessary due covid. Sometimes its sheer madness and to overcome it I thought lets do something which I have never done ie. to be more open about myself and here I am posting my second blog. 

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - St. Francis of Assisi

Evening is usually when I clean the house as my baby enjoys the noise of vaccum cleaner ( one that I have especially bought during pandemic as there's no help). Funny as it may sound but it works for me. Maybe  you can try it aswell, it really calms my baby and if it works for you let me know in the comments below.

My day has only start with no ending..On that note I leave for now for a quick nap.  


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